Dental Exam and dental cleaning
Dental Exam dan dental cleaning
The oral exam includes the exam of the teeth, soft tissues (e.g., gum, tongue, cheeks), and hard tissues (e.g., bone surrounding teeth, jaw bone, palate).
The oral exam is recommended twice a year in general.
During the exam, and as per every person’s needs, intra-oral photos as well as dental and panoramic X-rays are taken with state-of-the-art technology. After the exam, different treatment options are presented and discussed. A treatment plan is then chosen, a plan that is adapted to your needs and suits your budget.
Please note that we offer different financial plans to help you receive the best treatments, and finally have the smile of your dreams!
Dental Cleaning
Dental cleaning treats and prevents gingivitis. Gingivitis is a gum disease where the part that surrounds the tooth is inflamed. The signs of gingivitis are redness, bleeding, swelling, bad taste, bad breath, and pain.
During the dental cleaning, a scaling is done (tartar removal). The scaling is the part of the cleaning where the factors (plaque and tartar) causing periodontal disease are eliminated. Periodontal disease is when the gums and the bone surrounding the tooth are inflamed or infected. Signs of periodontal disease are redness, bleeding, swelling, bad taste, bad breath, cavities, teeth sensitivity, mobility or migration, and pain.
After removing the tartar, the teeth polishing is performed: this is where stains are removed to give the teeth their shine.
For children, fluoride is applied to the teeth after dental cleaning to make the enamel more resistant to dental decay.
Dental cleaning is usually recommended twice a year. In some cases where tartar is formed more quickly, dental cleaning may be recommended more often.