Periodontics (Gums)

Periodontics (Gums)

Periodontium refers to all the tissues that support your teeth. It includes the gums as well as the alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. When healthy, it provides both support and protection against bacteria.

Gingivitis is a common and often benign periodontal problem that affects only the gums. However, it may progress and affect neighbouring periodontal tissues. Gingivitis then transforms into periodontitis, a condition that may eventually lead to dental loss.

Our dental clinic offers effective treatments to eliminate periodontal problems or prepare the site to receive an implant.

Periodontics or gum disease - centre dentaire Rosemere

Periodontics or gum disease treatment

  • Non-surgical curettage or deep scaling to treat moderate gum disease
  • Surgical curettage or deep surgical scaling to treat advanced gum disease
  • Gum grafting to treat (cover) and prevent non-aesthetic receding gums
  • Gum grafting to treat receding gums on sensitive teeth
  • Autogenous or AlloDerm grafting
  • Gum remodeling for a more beautiful smile by elongating short teeth
  • Tooth exposition to treat it better
  • Bone grafting preparing it for an implant

Periodontics or gum disease, ask for your appointment

During your dental examination, we can detect gingivitis at an early stage, even before you experience the first symptoms. No matter what treatment you need, we take care of your periodontium with state-of-the-art techniques and in-depth knowledge.

Contact us for more information on periodontal treatments.